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Friday 25 September 2015

Bell ruffle


by martian mischief in Knitter´s Review Forum

My favorite ruffle is called a bell ruffle because it looks like a row of bells along the bottom of a garment. I just used it on the sleeves of a sweater. Here are general directions to make one.

You will have a column of garter stitch between each ruffle.
Decide if you are going to make this 2, 3, or 4 stitches wide.
For my sleeves I used 3 stitches so I needed a multiple of 4 stitches plus 1.
For the bottom of a scarf, I put 2 stitches of garter stitch on each edge. The pattern is:

Set up row: k2, YO, k1, YO, *p3, YO, k1, YO,* across ending k2

Row 2 and all even numbered rows: k2, p to last 2 stitches, k2

Row 3 and all odd numbered rows: k2, YO, k all knit stitches of previous row, YO, *p3. YO, knit all stitches from previous row, YO* k2

Repeat these 2 rows until ruffle is length desired.

I prefer to pick up the stitches along one side of a scarf when making this ruffle, but it could be worked in either direction if the increase stitch was changed from a YO to another increase. I just like the way it hangs with the YO.


Learn the basic principle of a ruffle.
You have an edge attached to a garment.
This is the short edge.
The outside edge is larger than the one attached to the garment.
This is what makes it ruffle. More stitches at the outside edge than at the inside edge.
How many more? Think of curtains.
Your average drapery has twice as much width, so double your stitches and you will get a nice controlled ruffle. curtains rather than draperies will have 2 to 3 times as much width and those sheer full curtains usually held back with ties have 5 to 6 times as much width.
Now, decide how full you want it to be and just increase your stitches.

Go for it.



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